EMDR San Diego
Resilience Counseling

Is your past controlling your life?

What Is EMDR Therapy?

According to the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA), “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was designed to heal distress associated with trauma.”  Discovered by Dr. Francine Shapiro, in 1989, EMDR therapy has been shown to help clients access and process traumatic memories so that they no longer cause emotional distress. According to the EMDR International Association, “EMDR therapy is extensively researched and widely recognized as effective trauma therapy.”

EMDR therapy uses eye movement or other bilateral stimulation (such as hand-tapping)  to activate opposite sides of the brain. The theory behind this process is to mimic the brain’s Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep. REM is the deepest stage of sleep we experience and when dreams occur—as we dream, our brain processes recent events. Although we are usually able to deal with troubling events through our dreams, some events we experience are too traumatic to process. 

When the memory of a negative event gets stuck in our brain, it may result in nightmares. However, in instances when we experience a traumatic event we’re unable to process, it can cause depression, anxiety, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Even if the event occurred weeks, months, or years ago, the memory of something traumatic can make us feel like it’s happening all over again in the present. As a result, we are likely to experience the same physical and emotional distress reliving this memory as we did when it originally occurred. 

EMDR can be a powerful form of therapy in helping us get “unstuck” from persistent unpleasant memories. The unique bilateral stimulation process utilized in EMDR treatment helps us reprocess these negative events and then integrate and associate positive emotions with them so that they no longer possess the same emotional charge they once did.

Who Can Benefit From EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy can be helpful for those suffering from (PTSD), anxiety, or depression as a result of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. It can also benefit those who have survived war, natural disaster, or an accident. Additionally, those who have experienced medical or childbirth trauma, miscarriage, or other disturbing memories can be helped with EMDR treatment. 

Although EMDR is an effective treatment for more recognizable forms of trauma, memories that get stuck and cause us long-term distress can originate in more subtle ways. Sometimes we don’t detect the trauma we suffer within unhealthy relationships—when we experience bullying, gaslighting, or controlling behavior, a sense of powerlessness or lack of trust can also cause trauma. In short, anyone who has experienced trauma, no matter how big or small, can benefit from EMDR treatment.

The extensive research that has been conducted on the efficacy of EMDR treatment has resulted in this therapy being endorsed by international health organizations. The World Health Organization states that EMDR and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), “should be considered for people suffering from PTSD. These techniques help people reduce vivid, unwanted, repeated recollections of traumatic events.” Furthermore, the Department of Veteran Affairs has included EMDR therapy as one of the methods it recommends in the treatment of PTSD. 

My Background In EMDR Therapy

I have a passion for helping anyone who has experienced pain and suffering find peace and resolution in their lives. That is why it has been such a rewarding experience for me to witness the transformation that takes place after my clients complete EMDR counseling. After receiving my training through an EMDRIA approved training, I have had the privilege of helping countless clients resolve unprocessed trauma so that it no longer continues to negatively affect them. 

Many of my clients tell me that although they realize that a troubling event happened in the past, no matter what they do they simply can't get over it. The problem is that sometimes our brains get stuck in the past. The reason I like EMDR is that it can help your brain get unstuck—by neutralizing the negative thought so it is no longer as distressing, this unique therapy helps your brain to heal. 

My EMDR Treatment Approach 

Before we start EMDR therapy, I will teach you different self-soothing skills you can incorporate into your day-to-day life, such as relaxation and mindfulness techniques as well as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skills. EMDR is different from talk therapy in that it uses the body and integrates bilateral movements which can help reprocess negative events within a relatively short amount of time. 

Although the time span varies with each client, EMDR therapy is not meant to be long-term—I will work together with you to get your needs addressed, and soon you will be on your way feeling like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. 

If you have previously tried talk therapy to no avail, I would encourage you to get help from a trained trauma therapist who specializes in EMDR. There’s no reason to suffer in silence when EMDR therapy is available to help you move beyond your pain.

Find Out How EMDR Therapy San Diego

I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation and can be reached through my contact page.

12396 World Trade Dr Suite 204,
San Diego, CA 92128

EMDR therapy and Other Areas of Focus in the San Diego, CA Based Office

San Diego Resilience Counseling offers more than OCD therapy.