Tourette Treatment - San Diego
Tourette Therapy - San Diego, CA
When struggling with Tics or Tourette’s, your child may be feeling discouraged and frustrated by how they affect their daily life. Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) can help your child manage and minimize their tics without taking medication.
What Is CBIT for Tourette Therapy?
CBIT an evidenced based form of treatment that has been shown to be effective in reducing tics. CBIT is recommended for children and adults with mild to moderate tics, as a first-line treatment by American Academy of Neurology and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists.
CBIT helps by teaching strategies to become more aware of the urges to tic and learning how to ride the wave of those urges. CBIT also teaches clients to replace their tic with a competing response. CBIT is a behavioral intervention that can significantly reduce tics with continued practice.
How does CBIT or Habit Reversal, HRT Help?
CBIT is an updated and improved version of Habit reversal therapy (HRT). It includes elements of HRT but adds a more comprehensive approach to treating TICs and Tourette’s. CBIT includes:
Education and information about Tics
Training to be more aware of Tics
Training to do a behavior that makes the tic more difficult to do
Learning coping skills to reduce stress and anxiety that can increase tics
CBIT’s goal is to to help your child figure out what things in their day-to-day life make their tics worse. CBIT help trains your child to create an environment that is make tics more manageable.
How long does CBIT last for Tourettes ?
When studied we have seen those who respond well to CBIT keep the skills learned and are able to apply it throughout their lives. The skills learned in CBIT are used as a management strategy that can be helpful for the rest of their lives.
We tried talk therapy before and it did not work. What makes CBIT different?
CBIT is evidenced based treatment for Tics. Talk therapy is not show to be effective however CBIT is. Unfortunately very few therapist in the US have this training. I have been trained by the Tourette’s Association of American by Doug Woods who is one of the founders of CBIT.
Once learned Tourette CBIT skills can last a lifetime and can help your child take back control of their life!
Schedule a free 15 minute call to find out if CBIT is right for you or your child.